توثيق جمعية علم النفس الأمريكية APA (الطبعة السابعة)

Comte, C., Christov-Bakargiev, C., & Vecellio, M. (2022). An anthology of wall paintings: How to grow and still stay the same shape ; Claudia Comte = Un' antologia di pitture murali : come crescere e avere sempre la stessa forma ; Claudia Comte / Claudia Comte ; mostra e catalogo a cura di Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Marianna Vecellio. Castello di Rivoli Museo d'arte contemporanea.

توثيق أسلوب شيكاغو (الطبعة السابعة عشر)

Comte, Claudia, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, و Marianna Vecellio. An Anthology of Wall Paintings: How to Grow and Still Stay the Same Shape ; Claudia Comte = Un' Antologia Di Pitture Murali : Come Crescere E Avere Sempre La Stessa Forma ; Claudia Comte / Claudia Comte ; Mostra E Catalogo a Cura Di Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Marianna Vecellio. Rivoli: Castello di Rivoli Museo d'arte contemporanea, 2022.

توثيق جمعية اللغة المعاصرة MLA (الطبعة الثامنة)

Comte, Claudia, et al. An Anthology of Wall Paintings: How to Grow and Still Stay the Same Shape ; Claudia Comte = Un' Antologia Di Pitture Murali : Come Crescere E Avere Sempre La Stessa Forma ; Claudia Comte / Claudia Comte ; Mostra E Catalogo a Cura Di Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Marianna Vecellio. Castello di Rivoli Museo d'arte contemporanea, 2022.

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